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What is Cloud Storage in GCP?

It is one of the services that Google Cloud provides to enable you store your objects in a scalable and highly available manner. An object is an uninterruptible part of data which is usually a file of any data type and can exist in bowls called buckets. All the bucket are related to a project and you can cluster the project under an organization.

Key Features of Cloud Storage

With Cloud Storage, you can:

  • Create buckets and upload objects to them
  • Upload objects of your buckets
  • Use ACL to enable the data be available to some specific principals or the public internet
  • Choose from four storage classes: Nearline, multiregional, regional, nearline and coldline to adhere to cost optimization and disaster recovery strategy.
  • Secure your data with customer-supplied keys or Google supplied keys
  • Possess control on the type of data that is available to the public at a given point in time
  • Only pay for what you use in terms of storage, with pricing based on the amount of data stored and the duration of storage

Ways to Interact with Cloud Storage

There are several ways to interact with Cloud Storage:

  1. Console: As for interacting with data across a network, the Google Cloud utilizes a console that is accessed in a browser.
  2. gsutil: gsutil is a terminal-based tool that can be used in order to operate with Cloud Storage. The Google Cloud SDK is available for download, it comes with both gsutil and gcloud for different services.
  3. Client Libraries: These client libraries help you manage your data in one of the preferred languages such as C++, C#, Go, Java, Node. Javascript, PHP, Python, Ruby.
  4. REST APIs: JSON/XML APIs can be used in order to manage your data.

Cloud storage is a strong service which allows achieving high objectives providing customers with scalability, durability, and high availability. Due to the well-organized types of storage classes, encryption features, and permission model, Cloud Storage is the best service to store your data in the Google Cloud Platform. Through this, the paper argues that it’s easy to manipulate the data through the interaction methods chosen depending on the need of the Cloud Storage.


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