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Stable Diffusion Cascade Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Stable Diffusion Cascade Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide
Stable Diffusion Cascade Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to SkillCurb, Here’s an article that describes how to install and configure Stable Diffusion Cascade and use the handy Stable Diffusion Web UI on a Linux virtual machine. In this tutorial, we will try to take a gentle introduction of how to install it one step by step, so that readers won’t feel hard to follow up. Absolutely all aspects starting with dependencies to configurations will be explained in a clear and concise manner which will be suitable even for newcomers.

Step 1: Installing Dependencies

First, we’ll use the Stable Diffusion Web UI package provided by Automatic1111 on their GitHub repository on our system. Go down to the installation and running guide and find out the Linux automatic installation command.

Installing Dependencies
Installing Dependencies

Navigate to the terminal, go to your desktop with the cd command and then copy this command to the terminal. Press ‘enter’ and append y to continue. This will also fetch all the dependencies that are needed in the system, and this will help in making the development process to be effective.

Installing Dependencies
Installing Dependencies

Step 2: Creating the Web UI File

Copy the next command from the GitHub repository, and paste it into your terminal. Hit enter, and this will create a file on your desktop.

Step 3: Making the File Executable

To make the file executable, use the command chmod +x followed by the file name. Hit enter, and this will make the file executable.

Step 4: Running the Web UI File

Run the file by typing ./ in your terminal and hitting enter. This might take a while to install all the dependencies and download some important files.

Running the Web UI File
Running the Web UI File

Step 5: Injecting the Stable Diffusion Cascade Extension

Finally, to add the Stable Diffusion Cascade extension, navigate to the Extensions sections and copy the link from the GitHub prosit 3 stable Cascade and Stable Diffusion Web UI sections by clicking the green button

Just go back to the Stable Diffusion Web UI and then go to the Install from URL Tab and paste the link. This will bring out the download page, and after you have agreed to the terms of use of the software, click on the Install button and this will initiate the installation process. You are also able to track the progress in the terminal.

Step 6: Verifying the Installation

After installing go to the Installed tab and check here that Stable Diffuser Cascade is enabled. If it isn’t, proceed to check the blue box and click on Apply & Restart tab. This will be done for you and will restart the UI again.

Step 7: Downloading the SDCascade Model

Downloading the SDCascade Model
Downloading the SDCascade Model

Thus, for generating an image, one has to download the SDCascade model. A specific topic could be loaded, for instance, if you enter ‘a boy with a cowboy hat’ and click on Generate. That may take some time especially if your internet connection is so poor but when the models are downloaded then your generation will appear on the UI.

Stable Cascade Outputs
Stable Cascade Outputs


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