Getting Started with Prompt Engineering and ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

This is our first module in the prompt engineering course! In the article that follows, we want to start carrying out what is in the prompt and a basic discussion of ChatGPT with straightforward dissolving on how to create a ChatGPT on OpenAI.
What is Prompt Engineering?
Notice engineering is a process of creating appropriate instructions for language models, and, more broadly, any kinds of machine learning models, as to create desired outputs. It entails tweaking and polishing prompts for the purpose of influencing the extent and manner to which the model may be put to learning for a particular task.
What is ChatGPT or OpenAI?
ChatGPT is a language model, which was created by OpenAI; it uses generative pretrained transformer architecture. It is meant to have natural-like dialogues and come up with human-like responses to questions. ChatGPT has been trained from a variety of internet texts so it can produce useful and contextually appropriate responses.
Setting Up ChatGPT on OpenAI
To get started with ChatGPT, follow these steps:
Step 1: Search for ChatGPT

Open your browser then type in the search bar ‘ChatGPT’. It is going to open up a new window or tab on your , just click on the button labeled OpenAI to continue.
Step 2: Click on “Try GPT”

First, when the OpenAI interface is shown the one should click on a button that is labeled “Try GPT”.
Step 3: Sign Up or Log In

You’ll be given two options: It will allow you to either ‘Log In’ or ‘Sign Up’. If you are new to ChatGPT, click on the button that says ‘Sign up’.
Step 4: Create Your Account
The user registration can be done with Google, Microsoft, or Apple Id credentials. Choose the one that you want and proceed with the given steps.
Step 5: Enter Your Details
Please, provide your Gmail, your first name, your last name, your date of birth, your phone number. The next window required the 6-digit code that would be sent to the phone number you will input.
Step 6: Complete the Sign-Up Process
Once you have put all the required information, click on the ‘Next’ button to finish the registration process.
Step 7: Explore the ChatGPT Interface

You will now be redirected to the interface of ChatGPT. In the bottom left corner there is a possibility to check account information, to manage accounts, and log out; and, additionally, there are settings where one can change the theme of the environment and NewChat options.
Using ChatGPT
As of now, you can use ChatGPT! You enter a prompt or a question and ChatGPT will give you a human-like response. Since you will be able to view your chat list including those that have been deleted this means that no data will be lost.
Example: I am not quite sure what exactly you mean by Prompt Engineering.
Let’s try typing a prompt: To the question “What is prompt engineering?” ChatGPT will give an elaborate answer.