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Getting Started with Codium AI: A Game-Changing Code Generator

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the features of Codium AI, a revolutionary code generator that goes beyond the norm. We’ll install Codium AI in VS Code, set it up, and test its capabilities.

Codium AI
Codium AI

Step 1: Installing Codium AI in VS Code

To install Codium AI in VS Code, follow these steps:

  • Open VS Code and click on the Extensions icon in the left sidebar.Search for “Codium AI” in the Extensions marketplace.

    Extension Marketplace
    Extension Marketplace
  • Click on the “Install” button to install the extension.

  • Once installed, click on the Codium AI icon in the left sidebar to open the Codium AI panel.

    Codium Panel
    Codium Panel

Step 2: Setting up Codium AI

After installing Codium AI, you’ll see a starter guide for new users. You can explore further by typing “help” and Codium AI will provide all the commands and their descriptions or you can go to their Discord for help as shown in the below image.


Step 3: Exploring Codium AI Commands

Let’s explore the commands offered by Codium AI:

  • Explain: This command explains the code, including inputs, flow, and outputs. To use this command, select a specific function, module, or component, and run the “explain” command.

    Explain Command
    Explain Command
  • Improve: This command suggests improvements to the code. You can add optional instructions to specify what you want to improve.

    Improve Command
    Improve Command
  • Enhance: This command enhances the code to make it cleaner and more efficient.

    Enhance Command
    Enhance Command
  • Quick-Test: This command generates multiple tests for your code. You can configure the number of tests and even generate custom tests.

    Quick-Test Command
    Quick-Test Command

Step 4: Generating Code with Codium AI

Codium AI is not only a code analyzer but also a code generator. Let’s test its code generation capabilities:

  • Create a new file in VS Code.
  • Open the Codium AI panel and prompt Codium AI to generate code for you.
    PROMPT: generate the code for bubble sort algorithm such that the program can sort an unsorted array of up to 10 values
  • Hit enter, and Codium AI will generate the whole code for you.

    Generate Code
    Generate Code
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