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Claude 2.1 vs GPT-4

Hello AI enthusiasts. Today, we’re excited to compare two powerful models: Anthropic presented its Claude 2.1 and another is Open AI’s GPT 4. We’ll put them head-to-head in various tasks, including:

  • Data analysis
  • Text generation
  • Analytical thinking
  • Coding. 

Let’s see which model comes out on top!

Data Analysis

Our first analysis is going to be on a dataset of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. We will upload the file in both the models and will seek the name of all the columns from both the models. They are equally good, only that for the current interaction, GPT 4 has produced 12 columns and Claude 2.1 also doing a good job ‘well all right, let us take a look at number 1 it is also doing a good job’.

Next the application asks both models to:

Provide a list with the top 5 players scoring the most numerical sixes.

Claude 2.1 Again, boils down to a summary, however, to our regret, it is impossible to give a rather long citation of the copyrighted data. Unlike GPT 4 the Former lists detailed results of top 5 players wherein the number of sixes hit in every match is indicated.

Text Generation

As for this task, both models are to:

Write an illicit love letter from a sentient robot to an old typewriter.

Though both models are quite good, Claude 2.1 gives a brief and passionate answer and GPT 4 gives a metaphorical and poetic answer.

Analytical Thinking

Our next step is to check as to how analytical their thinking process is using the models that we developed. We provide a statement:

Jane can run faster than Joe and Joe can run faster than Sam. Can Sam run faster than Jane?

Both the models are easily comprehensible and deliver an accurate, logical answer stating the transitive relation between Jane and Sam also gave an explanation similar to this.

PDF Summarization

In this task, we have a PDF file and for both models, we put an instruction for the bullet points to be made. Each of the two models works effectively, and although GPT 4 is more structured and hierarchical compared to GPT 3.


Lastly, we challenge the models per their coding ability by providing the models a problem of:

Develop a Snake game in Python.

Claud 2. 1 produces it rather fast, but there is a mistake in the code it generates. Whereas, GPT 4 is able to come up with flawless errors free code that can execute fully.

All in all, therefore, and in recapitulating, Claude 2.1 is amongst its major competitors, however, in coding and data analysis tasks, GPT 4 does very well. But, both models are equally effective in text generation and analytical thinking jobs. Claude 2, still has a ways to go but it is really close to GPT-4.


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