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How to Attach AWS IAM Policy to Grant Access to AWS Glue


In our earlier blogs, we have created a new S3 bucket and have shared this bucket with the user group. We have also included the IAM users in the user group for the S3 bucket which has been recently created. But we have to deal with the issue of assigning permissions for AWS Glue to the IAM users via the user group.

The Problem: No Access to AWS Glue

When I am trying to get into AWS Glue with a dbdev1 user, I receive an access denied message. This is the case since the user has no permission to AWS Glue as can be confirmed from the AWS console.

The Solution: Attaching a Built-in Policy

To give access to the AWS Glue, I have to go to the user groups and click on the “DB devs”. Then, I will move to the tab that is labeled as “Permissions” and then click on the button that is labeled as “Add permission”. For this case, I will not be creating an inline policy but rather, I will be using a built-in policy that grants complete access to the AWS Glue console.

Attaching the Policy

Then we will go to the list of policies and in the search bar type glue, then select AWS Glue console full access. This policy allows for all the glue related services which will require some time to adhere. After that I can check the policy by going to the user groups and clicking on “DB dev”. When I go into the “Permissions” tab, I will notice that the user group has been granted AWS Glue console full access.

Verifying the Results

I will return to the other window in which I am signed in as the IAM user and refresh the page. Currently, when going to the databases page, there is no longer an “access denied” message because the dbdev1 IAM user has the necessary rights to operate all the AWS Glue resources.

Key Takeaways

  • Attached a built-in policy to grant access to AWS Glue to the user group
  • Used the “AWS Glue console full access” policy to provide full access to all glue-related services
  • Verified that the IAM user now has access to AWS Glue resources


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