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Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect practice exam

Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect
(6 Simulated practice exam)

Price: 11.99

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    How to Attempt the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam


    Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam Instructions

    1. There are 300 questions inside this pack grouped into 6 exam sets
    2. Each exam set consists of 50 questions
    3. Apart from the first exam set the other exam sets are password protected
    4. Password is available inside this practice exam once this exam is purchased
    5. Result is displayed for each exam at the end of exam set
    6. The exam comprises of the following types of questions :
      i) Multiple Choice Single Response (MCSR)
      ii) Multiple Choice Multiple Response (MCMR)
    7. There is no negative marking.

    There is a timer at the top of the exam screen that indicates the time remaining for the completion of the exam. The timer is dedicated for the entire exam (individual exam sets) and not for each question in the exam sets. 

    The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam is a multiple-choice, proctored exam that is administered by Google.

    The cost of the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam is $200 USD and covers one attempt.

    The duration of the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam is 120 minutes with no specific number of questions.

    The passing score for the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam is not disclosed by Google.

    Retaking policy for Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam may change over time, it's better to check the latest information from the official website.

    Google recommends reviewing the exam guide and sample questions, taking available training, and practicing with practice exams to prepare for the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam.

    You can schedule the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam on the official website.

    The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is valid for 2 years.

    If you fail the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam, you can retake it after a certain period of time as determined by Google. It is usually 14 days after the first attempt. However, the retake policy may change over time, so it's best to check the latest information on the official website of the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam.

    You will receive a certificate of completion and a digital badge that you can use to showcase your achievement on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional profiles.

    The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam is a multiple-choice, proctored certification exam that tests a candidate's knowledge and ability to design, develop and manage solutions on Google Cloud Platform. The exam format includes multiple-choice questions based on various scenarios and case studies. The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam is available in multiple languages and can be taken at a testing center or remotely through an online proctoring service.

    Yes, you can reschedule the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam if you are unable to take it on your scheduled date. The process and the policy of rescheduling the exam may vary depending on the testing center or proctoring service you have chosen.
    You should contact the testing center or proctoring service directly to find out their specific rescheduling policies, fees, and availability.
    In general, you will need to request a reschedule at least 24 hours before the scheduled exam time. Some centers or proctoring services may require you to pay an additional fee for rescheduling.
    It's important to check the official website of the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam for the latest information and instructions on rescheduling the exam.

    Yes, Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect Cheat Sheet will be provided alongside the practice exam sets.
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