aws certified cloud practitioner

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
(6 Simulated practice exam)

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6 Practice Exam Sets

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $11.99.

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification

An AWS certified cloud practitioner can oversee the architecture and placement of applications within the AWS platform. Developing an implementation plan for cloud solutions.. Cloud platform management and monitoring. Designing and constructing programs at the cloud. The Certified cloud practitioner exam does not require prior experience with Google Cloud.

Before attempting the Certification exam, get yourself accustomed to the actual exam pattern, by taking this practice exam Amazon Web Services – Certified cloud practitioner (Simulated Exam).

Skillcurb brings to you real and expert made practice exams, to enhance your knowledge, skills and help you achieve your certification aims!

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: Exam details


AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: Exam Domains

  1. Cloud Concepts
  2. Security and Compliance
  3. Billing and Pricing
  4. Technology

BONUS – Free cheat-sheet inside (Downloadable)

How to Attempt the Exam


Exam Instructions

  1. There are 390 questions inside this pack grouped into 6 exam sets
  2. Each exam set consists of 65 questions
  3. Apart from the first exam set the other exam sets are password protected
  4. Password is available inside this practice exam once this exam is purchased
  5. Result is displayed for each exam at the end of exam set
  6. The exam comprises of the following types of questions :
    i) Multiple Choice Single Response (MCSR)
    ii) Multiple Choice Multiple Response (MCMR)
  7. There is no negative marking.

There is a timer at the top of the exam screen that indicates the time remaining for the completion of the exam. The timer is dedicated for the entire exam (individual exam sets) and not for each question in the exam sets. 

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