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Cloud Services Cheat Sheet for AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud


Cloud Services Cheat Sheet for AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer hundreds of cloud services. It’s easy to feel lost when trying to learn what each provider offers. Amazon AWS alone offers over 200 services and if you put it together with the hundreds of services offered by Azure and GCP, good luck trying to keep up.

There may be numerous comparison tables available that compare the big three vendors. However, these three major vendors are always bringing more to the table.

Fortunately, you do not have to feel so lost. Simply use the cloud services cheat sheet for AWS, Azure, and GCP to get a strong grasp of what each vendor offers. Think of it as a starting point and from here, you can further do your homework to get an in-depth understanding of what distinguishes the services from one another.

With that said and done. Let’s dive right into the best cloud services cheat sheet you will find.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Cloud vendors such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP have matured over the years and now offer the most comprehensive set of storage and compute resources as a service.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning involves computer models analyzing and storing patterns, trends in data, and correlations to become more efficient in their work. This enables them to offer deeper data insights.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

On the other hand, artificial intelligence leverages machine learning to execute actions and tasks that would otherwise be done manually and are repetitive.

Moreover, artificial intelligence and machine learning are one of the best technologies to look out for in 2023.

Application Integration

For anyone wondering what is cloud application integration, the answer is simple. It is a comprehensive system of technologies and tools capable of connecting many systems, IT environments, repositories, and applications for real-time data exchange and processing.

What is Application Integration?

Application integration can be defined as the process of collecting independently designed applications and enabling them to work together.


Finally, in our first set of the best cloud services cheat sheets, we have cloud analytics. The basic function of cloud analytics is to describe applications of analytic algorithms.

However, this takes place directly in the cloud against datasets present in the public or private cloud to output the required results.

What are Analytics?

As aforementioned, cloud-based analytics are computational analysis of statistics or data. This information is a result of systematic analysis. Simply put, the definition of analytics and cloud-based analytics is the same.

For instance, Google analytics to keep track of traffic on your website.

Here are some absolutely beast courses on cloud data analytics to get you started.

Here’s the complete cloud services cheat sheet for Artificial intelligence, machine learning, application integration, and analytics.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Text-to-SpeechAmazon PollyText to SpeechCloud Text-to-Speech API
Speech RecognitionAmazon TranscribeSpeaker Recognition, Speech to TextCloud Speech-to-Text API
Vision/Speech Modeling Packaged DevicesAWS DeepLensAzure Kinect DKN/A
Language recognition, sentiment analysisAmazon ComprehendAzure Immersive Reader, Language Understanding, Text Analytics.Cloud Natural Language AI, Healthcare Natural Language AI.
Image and video recognition, indexingAmazon RekognitionAzure Face, Video IndexerVideo AI
Language TranslationAmazon TranslateSpeech Translation, TranslatorCloud Translation, Media Translation (beta)
Language recognition, sentiment analysisAmazon ComprehendAzure Immersive Reader, Language Understanding, Text AnalyticsCloud Natural Language AI, Healthcare Natural Language AI
Document extraction, image content analysisAmazon TextractAzure Form Recognizer, Ink Recognizer, Computer Vision, Custom VisionVision API
Time-series forecastingAmazon ForecastN/AN/A
Prediction review and moderationAmazon Augmented AI, Amazon SageMaker ClarifyAzure Content ModeratorN/A
NotebooksAmazon EMR NotebooksIntegrations through Visual Studio, Azure, and GitHubNotebooks
Online fraud detectionAmazon Fraud DetectorN/AreCAPTCHA Enterprise
Recommendation integrationAmazon PersonalisePersonalizerRecommendations AI
Managed machine learning platformAmazon SageMakerAzure Machine LearningTensorFlow Enterprise, Vertex AI
Machine learning hardwareAWS Inferentia, AWS TrainiumFPGACloud TPU
Inference acceleratorAmazon Elastic InferenceGPUs on AKSCloud TPU, Edge TPU
Data labelingAmazon SageMaker Ground TruthAzure Machine Learning data labelingVertex Data Labelling
Chatbot builderAmazon LexAzure Bot Service, Health Bot, QnA MakerDialog Flow
AI machine imagesAWS Deep Learning AMIsData Science Virtual MachinesDeep Learning VM Image
AI prediction human review and moderationAmazon Augmented AI (Amazon A2I)Azure Content ModeratorN/A
AI containersAWS Deep Learning ContainersGPU support on AKSDeep Learning Containers
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
API development and managementAmazon API Gateway, AWS AppSyncAzure API AppsAPI Gateway, Apigee, Cloud Endpoints
Distributed app coordinationAmazon Simple Workflow Service, AWS Step FunctionsLogic AppsCloud Tasks
Event routing, third-party integrationAmazon AppFlow, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Simple Notification ServiceEvent GridPub/Sub
MessagingAmazon MQ, Amazon Simple Queue ServiceAzure Web PubSub,  Queue Storage, Service BusPub/Sub
Service discoveryAWS Cloud MapN/AN/A
Service meshAWS App MeshOpen Service Mesh AKS add-onAnthos Service Mesh
Workflow orchestrationAWS Data Pipeline, Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache AirflowLogic AppsCloud Composer, Workflows
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Big data processingAmazon EMRAzure Databricks, Azure HDInsightDataproc
Business AnalyticsAmazon QuickSight, Amazon FinSpacePower BI Embedded, Microsoft Graph Data ConnectLooker, Google Data Studio
Data lake creationAmazon HealthLake, AWS Lake FormationAzure Data Lake StorageCloud Storage
Data SharingAWS Data Exchange, AWS Lake FormationAzure Data ShareAnalytics Hub, Cloud Dataprep (partnership with Trifacta)
Data warehousingAmazon RedshiftAzure Synapse AnalyticsBigQuery
ETLAWS Glue, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, Amazon SageMaker Data WranglerAzure Data FactoryCloud Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc
Hosted Hadoop/SparkAmazon EMRAzure HDInsightDataproc
Managed searchAmazon CloudSearch, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon KendraAzure Cognitive Search, Bing Search APICloud Search
Managed KafkaAmazon Managed Streaming for Apache KafkaAzure Event Hubs for Apache KafkaN/A (available through a partnership with Confluent)
Real-time data streamingAmazon Kinesis Data Analytics, Amazon Kinesis Data StreamsAzure Stream AnalyticsDataflow, Pub/Sub, Datastream
Query service, data explorationAmazon Athena, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Managed Service for GrafanaSQL Server ML Services, Big Data Clusters (Spark), Data Lake Analytics, SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Data ExplorerBigQuery

Business Applications

The whole point of using a cheat sheet for cloud services is to establish a base. Of course, you cannot remember everything mentioned here.

However, you will have a general idea of what is available to date and this information can come in handy when going for your job interview.

What are cloud-based business applications?

Particularly relevant to jobs, knowing what are cloud-based business applications is important. Cloud-based business applications are software or applications that are remotely available.

They are normally hosted on behalf of the client on a vendor’s server. If you want to master these essentials of cloud computing, check out the foundational level courses by SkillCurb.

Have a look at the complete cheat sheet for business applications offered by Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Collaboration tool suiteN/AMicrosoft 365Google Workspace
Document sharing and storageAmazon WorkDocsMicrosoft WordGoogle Docs, Google Workspace Essentials
Email and calendarAmazon WorkMailOutlookGmail
Low-code/no-codeAmazon HoneycodeMicrosoft PowerApps, Project BonsaiAppSheet
Video calls and chatAmazon ChimeMicrosoft TeamsGoogle Meet
Voice assistantAlexa for BusinessCortanaGoogle Assistant

Compute Services

Cloud compute services are defined as a collective of storage, memory, processing power, and networking, along with other cloud resources that are essential to execute the successful computation of any program.

For a more detailed comparison of compute services between AWS, Azure, and GCP, check out this article.

What is Compute?

The simplest definition of compute is – to calculate. However, it is not as simple as 1+1. Compute in the cloud requires an abundance of resources to execute “calculations” that would run an entire program.


When you’re working in the cloud, containers are the most frequently used option for the deployment and management of software in the cloud.

What are Cloud Containers?

Our simplest definition of cloud containers is – they are abstract units of software. However, they have every resource necessary to run your workload or processes.

You can use cloud containers to package your entire application configurations, dependencies, and even code into a single object.

Cost Control

Here’s the most important part of any business or organization. If you can carve the cloud cost control management cheat sheet into your memory, then you’ll be the interviewer’s favorite.

What is Cloud Cost Control?

Cloud cost control also known as cost management or optimization is the strategy that helps a business to understand the costs of resources and services at a deeper level. This enables them to manage the costs at a more efficient level.

Take a look at the complete cheat sheet for compute services, cloud containers, and cloud cost control.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
AutoscalingAWS EC2 Auto ScalingAzure Autoscale, Azure virtual machine scale setsManaged instance groups (MIGs)
Batch scheduling, executing, and processingAWS BatchAzure BatchBatch on GKE, Cloud Scheduler
Functions as a serviceAWS LambdaAzure FunctionsCloud Functions
5G-based infrastructureAWS WavelengthAzure Edge ZonesGlobal Mobile Edge Cloud (GMEC)
High-performance computing cluster managementAWS ParallelClusterAzure CycleCloud, Azure FXT Edge FilerN/A
VM image builderEC2 Image BuilderAzure VM Image BuilderN/A
Isolated serversDedicated InstancesAzure Dedicated HostSole-tenant Nodes, Shielded VMs
PaaSAWS Elastic Beanstalk, Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWSApp Service, Azure Cloud Services, Azure Spring Cloud, Azure Red Hat OpenShiftApp Engine
On-premises/edge devicesAWS Outposts, AWS Snow FamilyAzure Modular Datacenter, Azure Stack Hub, Azure Stack HCI, Azure Stack EdgeN/A
Quantum computingAmazon BracketAzure QuantumN/A
Virtual machinesAmazon EC2Virtual MachinesCompute Engine
Virtual private serverAmazon LightsailN/AN/A
VMware integrationVMware Cloud on AWSAzure VMware SolutionVMware Engine
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Container registryAmazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), ECR PublicAzure Container RegistryArtifact Registry, Container Registry
Managed container serviceAWS Copilot, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Serverless containersAWS App Runner, AWS FargateAzure Container Instances (ACI)Cloud Run
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Long-term commitment discount programsEC2 Reserved Instances, Savings PlansReservations, Azure Hybrid BenefitCommitted use discounts, sustained use discounts
Low-cost, interruptible VMsEC2 SpotAzure Spot Virtual MachinesPreemptible Virtual Machines
Optimization toolsAmazon CodeGuru, Amazon DevOps Guru, AWS Compute Optimizer, AWS Trusted Advisor, AWS Well-Architected ToolAzure Advisor, Azure Well-Architected ReviewRecommender, Network Intelligence Center, Cloud Profiler
Spending tracker and analysisAWS Budgets, AWS Cost Anomaly Detection, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Cost, and Usage Report, Reserved Instance ReportingAzure Cost Management and BillingCost Management

Database Services

Cloudification becomes more common and services such as cloud databases have become high in demand. As Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP compete, they offered different types of database services. You can check the complete comparison of cloud database services here.

What is Cloud Database?

Simply put, well-organized and managed data collection in any IT system. See our full definition of a cloud database here.

Developer Tools

Cloud vendors offer various development tools to enhance productivity. When it comes to comparing the big three: Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP, this is the part where convenience for developers prevails over the number of services offered.

What are Cloud Development Tools?

Cloud development tools are all the tools for developers and deployments teams that are required to maximize productivity while writing, deploying, and debugging cloud applications.

We recommend the following courses if you are on the path to becoming a certified cloud professional dealing with development and engineering.

Following is the complete cheat sheet for database services and developer tools offered by Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
BlockchainAmazon Managed Blockchain, Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB)Azure Blockchain Service, Azure Blockchain Development Kit, Azure Blockchain Workbench, Microsoft Azure Confidential LedgerN/A
CachingAmazon ElastiCache (Memcached, Redis)Azure Cache for Redis, Azure HPC CacheCloud Memorystore
NoSQL: Column-familyAmazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Managed Instance for Apache CassandraCloud Bigtable
NoSQL: DocumentAmazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), Amazon DynamoDBAzure Cosmos DBCloud Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database
NoSQL: GraphAmazon NeptuneAzure Cosmos DB Gremlin APIN/A
NoSQL: Key-valueAmazon DynamoDB, Amazon KeyspacesAzure Cosmos DB, Table storageCloud Bigtable, Firestore
Relational database management systemAmazon Aurora, Amazon RDS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MariaDB), Amazon RDS on VMwareAzure Database (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), Azure SQL (Database, Edge, Managed Instance)Cloud SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server), Cloud Spanner
Time-series databaseAmazon TimestreamAzure Time Series InsightsCloud Bigtable
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
App configuration parameter storageAWS AppConfigApp ConfigurationCloud Storage
Artifact managementAWS CodeArtifactAzure Artifacts, GitHub PackagesArtifact Registry (preview)
Code debuggingAWS X-RayVisual Studio CodeCloud Debugger, Firebase Crashlytics
CI/CDAWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeStarAzure Boards, Azure DevOps, Azure PipelinesCloud Build, Tekton
Development kitsAWS Cloud Development Kit, Amazon CorrettoAzure SDKsCloud SDK
IDEs and other tools for interacting with cloud resourcesAWS Cloud9, AWS CLI, AWS CloudShell, Amazon EMR StudioAzure CLI, Azure PowerShell, Azure Cloud Shell, Visual Studio, Visual Studio CodeCloud Code, Tools for Eclipse, Tools for PowerShell
Lab environmentN/AAzure Lab Services, Azure DevTest LabsN/A
Mobile and Web app developmentAWS AmplifyApp Service, Mobile Apps, Xamarin with Azure, Web Apps, Static Web AppsGoogle Firebase
Private repositoryAWS CodeCommit, AWS Serverless Application RepositoryAzure ReposCloud Source Repositories
TestingAWS Device Farm, AWS Fault Injection SimulatorVisual Studio App Center, Azure Test Plans, Azure Internet Analyzer (preview)Google Firebase Test Lab

Internet of Things (IoT)

When you talk IoT cloud, you can employ it in three different ways. These are:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS),
  • Software as a Service (SaaS).

What is cloud IoT?

Internet of Things (IoT) cloud is a vast network offering support for online applications and IoT devices. This embodies everything including servers, storage, and underlying infrastructure, among other resources required for real-time processing and operations.

Check out the complete cloud services cheat sheet for IoT cloud by Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Cloud-device connections, data collection, and managementAWS IoT Analytics, AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Device Defender, AWS IoT Device Management, AWS IoT Events, AWS IoT SiteWiseAzure IoT Central, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Defender for IoT, Azure SphereCloud IoT Core
IoT edge computeAWS GreengrassAzure IoT Edge, Azure PerceptEdge TPU
Microcontroller OSFreeRTOSAzure RTOSN/A
Virtual modelingAWS IoT Things GraphAzure Digital TwinsN/A

Migration Services

Cloud migration services make it easy for businesses to implement the cloud and push all their data in their cloud setup.

Vendors such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer several tools and services to help migrate applications and workloads.

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration can be defined as the process of moving your digital assets, databases, services, applications, and IT resources, into the cloud. Moreover, cloud migration also refers to the process of shifting from one cloud provider to another.

For an example of cloud migration and a step-by-step guide, check out the Aurora Data Migration: Oracle database to Aurora MySQL using the DMS article.

Management and Governance

Cloud management and governance can easily help break down cloud systems into independent accounts. These can represent projects, cost centers, or even departments within the organization.

It’s fair to say that many cloud vendors recommend this as one of the best practices for any business that wants to fully leverage the cloud.

What is Cloud Management and Governance?

Cloud management refers to the organized control, oversight, administration, and maintenance of private cloud, public cloud, and even hybrid multi-cloud computing resources, services, and infrastructure.

Whereas, cloud governance is simply a set of policies and rules implemented and adopted by organizations and businesses that are running services in cloud.

Learn more about all the services provided by Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP, in the cheat sheet below for migration services, management, and governance in the cloud.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Database migrationAWS Database Migration ServiceAzure Database Migration ServiceDatabase Migration Service
Data transfer applianceSnow FamilyData BoxTransfer Appliance
Disaster recoveryCloudEndure Disaster RecoveryAzure Site RecoveryN/A
Online data transferAWS DataSync, AWS Transfer FamilyAzure File SyncBigQuery Data Transfer Service, Cloud Data Transfer
On-premises application analysisAWS Application Discovery Service, Migration EvaluatorAzure Migrate, Movere, Azure Resource MoverN/A
On-premises and cloud storage integrationStorage GatewayStorSimpleN/A (offered by partner Cloudian)
Migration trackerAWS Migration HubAzure MigrateN/A
Server migrationAWS App2Container, AWS Server Migration Service, CloudEndure MigrationAzure MigrateMigrate for Anthos, Migrate for Compute Engine, VM migration
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
AutomationAWS CloudFormation, AWS Proton, AWS OpsWorksAzure Resource Manager, Azure AutomationCloud Deployment Manager, Cloud Foundation Toolkit, Cloud Scheduler
Anomaly detectionCloudWatch Anomaly DetectionAnomaly DetectorAnomaly Detection
Application portfolio and data governanceAWS Service CatalogAzure Managed Applications, Azure Blueprints, Azure PurviewDataplex, Private Catalog, Service Directory
Automated Windows Server managementN/AAzure AutomanageN/A
Configuration managementAWS ConfigAzure App ConfigurationCloud Asset Inventory
Health DashboardPersonal Health DashboardResource Health, Azure Service HealthCloud Monitoring
Hybrid and multi-cloud managementAmazon EKS Anywhere, Amazon ECS AnywhereAzure ArcGoogle Anthos, Network Connectivity Center
License managementAWS License ManagerN/AN/A
MonitoringAmazon CloudWatch, Amazon CloudWatch Logs, AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager, Amazon Lookout for Metrics, Amazon Managed Service for PrometheusAzure Monitor, Network Watcher, Log Analytics, Azure Metrics AdvisorOperations, Cloud Operations for GKE (formerly Stackdriver), Network Intelligence Center
Multi-account managementAWS Control Tower, AWS OrganizationsAzure Management Groups, Azure LighthouseN/A
Policy managementAWS OrganizationsAzure PolicyOrganization Policy Service
Telemetry collection and responseAWS Systems Manager, AWS Distro for Open TelemetryAzure MonitorNetwork Telemetry
Web-based user interfaceAWS Management ConsoleAzure PortalCloud Console
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Customer engagementAmazon Connect, Contact Lens for Amazon ConnectAzure Communication Services, Azure SignalR ServiceContact Center AI
End-user communicationsAmazon Pinpoint, Amazon Simple Email ServiceAzure Notification HubsFirebase Cloud Messaging
GamingAmazon GameLift, Amazon LumberyardGame StackGame Servers
Geolocation APIs and servicesAmazon Maps API, Amazon Location ServiceAzure MapsGoogle Maps Platform
GenomicsN/AMicrosoft GenomicsCloud Life Sciences
Fast Healthcare Interoperability ResourcesFHIR Works on AWSAzure API for FHIRApigee HealthAPIx, Cloud Healthcare API
Industrial and other workplace monitoring toolsAmazon Lookout for Vision, Amazon Lookout for Equipment, Amazon Panorama, Amazon MonitronAzure IoTVision AI, Visual Inspection AI
Media servicesAmazon Elastic Transcoder, AWS Elemental suite, Amazon Interactive Video Service, Amazon Kinesis Video StreamsAzure Media Player, Content Protection, Encoding, Live and On-Demand Streaming, Azure Video Analyzer, Media ServicesOpenCue, Transcoder API
Mobile access to internal web appsAmazon WorkLinkN/AIdentity-Aware Proxy
Robotics application developmentAWS RoboMakerN/ACloud Robotics Core
Satellite ground stationsAWS Ground StationAzure OrbitalN/A
Virtual desktopAmazon WorkSpaces, Amazon AppStream 2.0Azure Virtual Desktop, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, VMware Horizon Cloud on Microsoft AzureN/A
Virtual reality, mixed reality app developmentAmazon SumerianAzure Digital Twins, Kinect DK, Object Anchors, Remote Rendering, Spatial AnchorsGoogle VR

Network Services

Cloud networking revolves around a single core concept and that is the virtual representation of physical data centers within multiple public clouds or a single cloud.

Learn everything you need to know about network services comparison between Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP here.

What is Cloud Networking?

As aforementioned, cloud networking involves network capabilities and resources hosted in public, private, or hybrid cloud. Read the full definition of cloud networking here.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Build, deploy and manage APIsAmazon API GatewayAzure API Apps, API ManagementApigee API Management Platform
Content delivery networkAmazon CloudFrontContent Delivery Network (CDN)Cloud CDN
Dedicated fiber connection between VPCs and private networkAWS Direct ConnectAzure ExpressRouteCloud Interconnect
Domain name systemAmazon Route 53Azure DNSCloud DNS
Load balancingElastic Load Balancing (ELB)Application Gateway, Load Balancer, Traffic ManagerCloud Load Balancing
Network acceleratorAWS Global AcceleratorAccelerated NetworkingPremium Network Service Tier
Network area translationNAT GatewayVirtual Network NAT, Azure Route Server (preview)Cloud NAT
Satellite ground stationAWS Ground StationAzure Orbital (preview)N/A
Service discoveryAmazon ECS, AWS Cloud MapN/AGKE
Traffic control planeAWS App MeshAzure Front Door, Azure Service FabricTraffic Director
Virtual WANN/AVirtual WANN/A
VPCAmazon VPCAzure Virtual NetworkVirtual Private Cloud
VPC/VM secure connectorAWS Transit Gateway, AWS VPNAzure Bastion, Azure Private Link, Azure VPN gatewayCloud VPN, Direct Peering, VPC Service Controls

Storage Services

Cloud storage comes in three main types, and they are:

  • Block Storage,
  • File Storage,
  • Object Storage.

Each has its own functionality and differs in terms of use and purpose. Go through the easy yet comprehensive storage service comparison between AWS, Azure, and GCP here.

What is Cloud Storage?

Simply put, cloud storage is a cloud computing service model. You can use it to transmit and store data on remote storage systems. Read the full definition of cloud data storage here.

Security Services

The cloud is meant to benefit businesses and technological growth. However, when dealing with so much sensitive data, there are risks of privacy violations and data breaches included.

Fortunately, reputable vendors such as AWS, Azure, and GCP offer security services in the cloud to make things slightly easier.

However, not everything is secure. That is to say, there are certain ways you are protected but you are also responsible for your own security.

The best way to learn about cloud security services is to learn more about the shared responsibility model for AWS, Azure, and GCP.

What is Cloud Security?

Cloud security refers to a set of technology and procedures that are precisely designed to tackle and overcome internal and external threats to business security.

Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Archival storageS3 Glacier, S3 Glacier Deep ArchiveArchive StorageArchive Storage
BackupAWS BackupAzure BackupN/A
Block storageAmazon Block Store (EBS)Azure Disk StoragePersistent Disk, Local SSD
File storageAmazon Elastic File Service (EFS), Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon FSx for LusterAvere vFXT for Azure, Azure Files, Azure NetApp Files, Azure FXT Edge FilerFilestore
Object storageAmazon S3Azure Blob StorageCloud Storage, Cloud Storage for Firebase
Amazon AWSMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud
Audit and compliance reports and controlsAWS Artifact, AWS Audit ManagerService Trust PortalAssured Workloads
Centralized security managementAWS Security HubSecurity CenterSecurity Command Center
Certificate managementAWS Certificate ManagerApp ServiceCertificate Authority Service
Confidential computingAWS Nitro EnclavesAzure Confidential ComputingConfidential Computing
Container deploy-time security controlN/AN/ABinary Authorization
Data discovery and classificationAmazon MacieData Catalog, Azure Information ProtectionData Catalog, Cloud Data Loss Prevention
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protectionAWS ShieldAzure DDoS ProtectionGoogle Cloud Armor
End-user identity managementAmazon CognitoAzure Active Directory B2CFirebase Authentication
Firewall managementAWS Firewall Manager, AWS Network Firewall, AWS WAFAzure Firewall Manager, Web Application FirewallCloud Armor, Cloud firewalls
Identity and access managementAWS Identity and Access ManagementAzure Active Directory, role-based access control (Azure RBAC), Azure Active Directory External IdentitiesBeyondCorp Enterprise, Identity and Access Management, Identity Platform, Identity-Aware Proxy
Key managementAWS Key Management Service, AWS CloudHSMKey Vault, Azure Dedicated HSMCloud Key Management
Multi-Factor authenticationAWS Multi-Factor AuthenticationAzure AD Multi-Factor AuthenticationGoogle Authenticator, Titan Security Key
Microsoft Active Directory compatible directory serviceAWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active DirectoryAzure Active Directory Domain ServiceManaged Service for Microsoft Active Directory
Resource access managementAWS Resource Access ManagerAzure Resource ManagerResource Manager
Security data analysisAmazon DetectiveSecurity CenterChronicle, Risk Protection Program
Secrets managementAWS Secrets ManagerAzure Key VaultSecret Manager
Single sign-onAWS Single Sign-OnAzure Active Directory single single-onCloud Identity
Signoff for cloud provider data access requestsN/ACustomer LockboxAccess Transparency
Threat DetectionAmazon GuardDutyMicrosoft Azure Attestation, Azure Defender, Azure SentinelChronicle, Phishing Protection, Web Risk, Event Threat Detection
Vulnerability scanningAmazon InspectorSecurity CenterWeb Security Scanner

Summary – Cloud Services Cheat Sheet

As you have seen there are plenty of similar services offered by AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP. Thanks to the similarity, you can choose a multi-cloud architecture and still easily interact between providers and your private cloud.

It is important to take note of the different names and terms each vendor uses for its service. Nevertheless, as long as you keep this cheat sheet at hand, you can begin your journey and master it one at a time. 


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